July 2021 Newsletter
Revision of June 2021 Toolbox
Website update
Chemical Safety
Common Everyday Places To Be Cleaned In The Office
To ensure chemical safety in our workplaces, all team members (no matter their role at AM Retail Services), must know how to safety use, store and dispose of hazardous chemicals.
To do this, you must know how to read and interpret a Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
An SDS is a document containing important information about a hazardous chemical.
It provides the necessary instructions to safely manage the risk from exposure to the substance.
AM Retail Services knows that when it comes to cleanliness in the office or any workplace, there are the obvious areas that need extra attention.
For example, kitchen surfaces and carpets are all common and usually high traffic areas.
Though, there are some everyday items in a workplace that unexpectedly can contain the most bacteria and, if ignored, could lead to staff sickness and loss of productivity.
OH&S Updates
The next quarterly OHS meeting will be held on the 10th of August 2021 using Microsoft Teams run by Louie with AM Retail managers and employee representatives. There were no lost time injuries in July 2021 and no environmental incidents and no fines from regulators.
Employees of the Month
We are pleased to acknowledge a terrific job done by our employees:
- Navjot Navjot
- Anne Morris
- Nicole Monds
- Jayali Manorathna
- Ana Medina
in July and in the past three months. Site managers are very happy with the services provided.
We also would like to thank Nafisa Rizwana who has been with our company for 3 years.
AM Retail Services is grateful for Nafisa’s incredible work at multiple sites. Nafisa will receive a $50 Myer card voucher.