Allergies are more common now than ever before and affect sufferers all year round. Controlling the triggers of allergic or asthmatic attacks through thorough cleaning can help to minimise attacks.
AM Retail Services will make sure to keep your workplaces dust free, especially communal areas such as kitchens and bathrooms free from mould can significantly help to control the likelihood of allergic reactions.
AM Retail Services avoids certain types of cleaning products can ‘pollute’ air inside our homes and offices, as indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than the air outside, with cleaning products being a significant contributor. They can release gas or minuscule solid particles into the air where they can remain for extended periods of time, triggering allergies.
By reducing the use of toxic chemicals AM Retail Services are committed to creating a more productive workforce, ensuring appropriate cleaning methods and chemicals are used in your building should be a priority.